I love all things Halloween with the exception of pumpkin flavored things, sorry I am not a basic white girl. My husband loves pumpkin seeds and I don't mind them since they aren't "pumpkin flavored" and they are wonderful for pregnant moms. Pumpkins seeds are packed with protein, zinc, potassium, magnesium, the list goes on!
Cooking pumpkins seeds might be the easiest thing you've ever done. So if you are a last minute pumpkin carver or you want to cook your seeds before you throw your whole pumpkins out at the end of fall just follow the easy recipe below.
How To Bake Pumpkin Seeds;
-Turn your oven to bake at 400F
-Rinse the seeds and remove all of the "pumpkin brains and guts"
-Pat the seeds dry with a paper towel or let them sit and air dry for few minutes
-Spread the seeds across a baking sheet and sprinkle with salt
-Place the sheet in the oven and wait 15 minutes, they should be crispy
-Don't burn your tongue after they have finished, let them cool for a minute!
-Enjoy or make designs in them like we did!!
I hope all you have an awesome Halloween tomorrow. Be safe and have fun!
Thanks Taylor Swift for a great song to jam to all week!
"I don't know about you
But I'm feeling 22
Everything will be alright
If you keep me next to you
You don't know about me
But I'll bet you want to
Everything will be alright
If we just keep dancing like we're
Happy 22 weeks of pregnancy! We are over halfway to meeting Baby and I could not be more excited!
Over the past 22 weeks I have watched my body do some amazing things, my stomach looks like I swallowed a seedless watermelon (some days I feel like that is what happened), my boobs are of a size that I did not think was attainable without cosmetic surgery, all I am ever hungry for is jalapenos or pancakes, and of course I am growing a freaking human! Yes, everyone knows a baby comes from being pregnant but there is no way to explain the feeling of "AHH" you receive when you look down at your huge belly and know a human is being made in there. A freakin' human, I can't even believe it sometimes.
Baby's Favorite Pancakes: Chocolate Chip Cinnamon Roll Pancakes!
1 Cup Pancake Mix
1 Cup Water
1/4 Cup Chocolate Chips
1/8 Cup Brown Sugar
A Pinch of Cinnamon
A Splash of Vanilla
Mix all of the ingredients together and cook on a skillet until golden brown! Voila! best pancakes ever (if you have a baby with a sweet tooth!).
If you decide to try my pancakes let me know! I would love to know that I'm not the only crazy Chocolate Chip Cinnamon Roll Pancake eater!
As Justin and I sit down to discuss our weekend plans, the topic of when will we go to store always comes up. I do not enjoy grocery shopping but I love grocery planning! Planning what we will eat the following week always makes me excited. Deciding what will fuel my body, my mind and now help the tiny baby in belly start to grow is so empowering.
What you eat influences everything; your mood, your workout, your brain power, not to mention your overall health. We haven't always been great at meal planning, we used to run to the store and grab whatever was cheapest or sounded good that week. We now know how eating healthy and planning ahead affects our whole lives.
Meal Planning can be broken down into the following steps:
The Grocery List
We start meal planning on Fridays and Saturdays for the following week. If you think you can meal plan on the way to the grocery story, your doing it wrong. You need to know what the next week has in store for you; what night you will need to do a quick meal and what night can take longer. By the time we go to the store we have a list of what each of us will have for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner the following week.
Meal Prep
I suggest separating your meals out as soon as you get home from the store, you will forget or become busy so do it immediately. We have separate containers for all our breakfast foods so I prep my oatmeal for the whole week that way I have no excuse if its there waiting for me. When it comes to lunch I don't make my wraps days in advance but I do precook chicken, drain black beans and cut veggies. For dinner we separate all meats into servings for two, all veggies get individually bagged as well. When you have a plan there are no room for fast food!
Yes, you even have to plan out your snacks, The only way to keep the vending machine at work from looking good is to have a delicious snack waiting for you. Put some peanut butter in containers or buy the single servings at the store and slice up an apple, you have a great snack that it ready when you are! Make sure you plan realistic snacks, if you wont have a refrigerator don't plan to take yogurt with you.
Hopefully with my tips above you will be able to successfully plan a week of meals. It is not hard just takes time and planning. You can do it!
My breakfast! Cold oatmeal and strawberries, I add a few strawberries to my oatmeal before I leave for work every morning. Easy peasy and delicious! If you need a cold oatmeal recipe let me know!
If you have any questions please comment below or maybe you have other great tips you want to share! Thanks for reading!
From my very first class, 3 years ago, I was instantly in love with yoga. It made me feel complete and so so happy. At the time I loathed any type of working out, the thought of the gym made me cringe. I hated working out for many reasons; self consciousness, sweat, heavy breathing, and the thought of tight clothing.
I enjoy working out now, it would be a lie if I said I loved it. I still breath heavy, I still DESPISE tight clothing and I will probably always be self conscious.
Yoga wasn't about working out to me; it was fun, it was peace, it was a challenge. I love yoga today a thousand times more than I did 3 years ago, I respect yoga more, I understand yoga more. Yoga Is Love.
Yoga has helped me learned to grow with my husband, Justin, as well. We have not been able accomplish many moves (mainly my fault) but we have laughed more and learned more about one another than I would have thought. Yoga Is Love.
We started our newest chapter with yoga at the end of August along side my beautiful Aunt, Shaena Campbell. She owns a yoga studio, Fuel Yoga Lounge in Waxahachie, Texas and has an incredible view point of yoga. Every yoga class and instructor is different and hers are tremendous. We started calibrating on a video yoga series and it has been awesome every step of the way. Shaena and I are in front of the camera and Justin is behind the camera, it is the perfect family affair. Yoga Is Love
I hope you enjoy the video, you will notice that I am not perfect in this video, I have never and will never be perfect with every yoga move. You don't have to be either, yoga doesn't care, yoga will accept you, Yoga Is Love.
A lot has happened in the past 2 years since my last blog post...maybe I'll be better at this my second round?
To fast forward through the past two years I will give you snapshots (literally) below.
Justin proposed on Valentine's Day 2013. Valentine's will never be just a holiday for us!
We had the most beautiful wedding on May 18, 2014. I could not have dreamed up a more perfect wedding. Justin and I are forever blessed and honored to be married on a perfect day with all of our friends and family around.
Now we are being blessed with our biggest adventure ever, we are expecting our first baby! I am 16 weeks pregnant and I everyday is an amazing journey.
Ahh! It feels so great to be sharing our lives again. I truly do love writing and sharing our adventures. I pray that this time around I will be able to keep my focus and post often.
Thanks for reading, feel free to comment, share and check back in with us!