Saturday, September 13, 2014

Let's Try This Again.

A lot has happened in the past 2 years since my last blog post...maybe I'll be better at this my second round?

To fast forward through the past two years I will give you snapshots (literally) below.

Justin proposed on Valentine's Day 2013. Valentine's will never be just a holiday for us!

We had the most beautiful wedding on May 18, 2014. I could not have dreamed up a more perfect wedding. Justin and I are forever blessed and honored to be married on a perfect day with all of our friends and family around.

 Now we are being blessed with our biggest adventure ever, we are expecting our first baby! I am 16 weeks pregnant and I everyday is an amazing journey.
Ahh! It feels so great to be sharing our lives again. I truly do love writing and sharing our adventures. I pray that this time around I will be able to keep my focus and post often. 

Thanks for reading, feel free to comment, share and check back in with us! 

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