Monday, September 15, 2014

Yoga Is Love.

From my very first class, 3 years ago, I was instantly in love with yoga. It made me feel complete and so so happy. At the time I loathed any type of working out, the thought of the gym made me cringe. I hated working out for many reasons; self consciousness, sweat, heavy breathing, and  the thought of tight clothing.

I enjoy working out now, it would be a lie if I said I loved it. I still breath heavy, I still DESPISE tight clothing and I will probably always be self conscious.

Yoga wasn't about working out to me; it was fun, it was peace, it was a challenge. I love yoga today a thousand times more than I did 3 years ago, I respect yoga more, I understand yoga more. Yoga Is Love.

Yoga has helped me learned to grow with my husband, Justin, as well. We have not been able accomplish many moves (mainly my fault) but we have laughed more and learned more about one another than I would have thought. Yoga Is Love.

We started our newest chapter with yoga at the end of August along side my beautiful Aunt, Shaena Campbell. She owns a yoga studio, Fuel Yoga Lounge in Waxahachie, Texas and has an incredible view point of yoga. Every yoga class and instructor is different and hers are tremendous. We started calibrating on a video yoga series and it has been awesome every step of the way. Shaena and I are in front of the camera and Justin is behind the camera, it is the perfect family affair. Yoga Is Love

I hope you enjoy the video, you will notice that I am not perfect in this video, I have never and will never be perfect with every yoga move. You don't have to be either, yoga doesn't care, yoga will accept you, Yoga Is Love.

Subscribe to our videos HERE
Find Fuel Yoga Lounge on Facebook RIGHT HERE
And follow me on Instagram if you want even more updated on my daily adventures: Micah_Lenzy

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